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Xailient SDK API Documentation

Xailient SDK Version: 2

roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel Class

detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel()


Arguments Input Type Default Value Description
threads (optional) int 1 Number of threads to start for running the Detector. This gives the ability to run multiple threads for inferencing. This value should be tuned and select based on the use case to maximise overall performance.


  1. Using 2 threads

    For example, your device has 4 cores and each core runs 1 process thread. If you want 1 thread to be running dedicatedly for camera inputs, one thread for post processing, then you can reserve two threads for the Detector so that it will perform efficiently.

    This is how you would initialize the Detector so that it uses two cores:

    python detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel(2)

  2. Using 1 thread

    python detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel()


    python detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel(1)

  3. Using 4 threads

    python detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel(4)

options().set_option / options().get_option Methods

# for setting a option
detectum.options().set_option('OPTION', 'VALUE')

# for getting the value of an option
option_value = detectum.options().get_option('OPTION')

You can use options().set_option() method to set the following settings:

Setting Option Value Description
Set bounding box threshold dnn_threshold float Value between 0 and 1 for confidence score
Enable samping the images sampling_frequency int Enable this to cause the SDK to send every nth detection to the cloud where the sampled images can be used for retraining newer and more accurate models.
Set post processing bbox area filtering threshold min_bbox_area_filter_threshold float Post processing filtering threshold to discard all the bounding boxes that are below the threshold, where the threshold is compared against: bbox.area() / input_image.area(). Default: An optimal value built into the SDK when the SDK was built based on the results of the training. Range: 0.0 to 1.0.
Set post processing aspect ratio filtering thresholds min_bbox_aspect_ratio_filter_threshold and max_bbox_aspect_ratio_filter_threshold float Post processing filtering threshold to filter out all bounding boxes that its aspect ratio are not in the range (min_bbox_aspect_ratio_filter_threshold max_bbox_aspect_ratio_filter_threshold). The aspect ratio is calculated bbox.width() / bbox.height(). Default: An optimal value built into the SDK when the SDK was built based on the results of the training the model. Range: 0.0 to inf.


Arguments Input Type
OPTION string
VALUE int/string/float


  1. Set bounding box threshold

    python detectum.options().set_option('dnn_threshold', 0.5) print(detectum.options().get_option('dnn_threshold'))

  2. Enable samping the images

    Enable this to cause the SDK to send every 1000th detection to the cloud where the sampled images can be used for retraining newer and more accurate models.

    python detectum.options().set_option('sampling_frequency', 1000) print(detectum.options().get_option('sampling_frequency'))

process_image Method

bboxes = detectum.process_image(numpy.ndarray)


Arguments Input Type Default Value Description
image numpy.ndarray - Image as numpy array


Returns Type Description
_ - -
bboxes list Each item (bbox) in the list is a dictionary of bounding box coordinates, where bbox.xmin = xmin, bbox.ymin = ymin, bbox.xmax = xmax, bbox.ymax = ymax

process_image_with_confidences Method

roi_results = detectum.process_image_with_confidences(numpy.ndarray)


Arguments Input Type Default Value Description
image numpy.ndarray - Image as numpy array


Returns Type Description
_ - -
roi_results ROIBBoxOutput A object containing 2 fields (bboxes, confidences). Each field is a list of elements, the bboxes contains bounding boxes (dictionary of bounding box coordinates, where bbox.xmin = xmin, bbox.ymin = ymin, bbox.xmax = xmax, bbox.ymax = ymax) and the second, confidences a list of floats. There is a one to one mapping between boxes and confidences (bboxes[i] <-> confidences[i])

Example - Using OpenCV to read image

import os
from xailient import roi_bbox
import cv2 as cv

detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel()

data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data')
im = cv.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, 'beatles.jpg'))
# opencv reads BGR format so we have to convert this to RGB
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

bboxes = detectum.process_image(im)

# Loop through list (if empty this will be skipped) and overlay green bboxes
# Format of bboxes is: xmin, ymin (top left), xmax, ymax (bottom right)
for bbox in bboxes:
    pt1 = (bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin)
    pt2 = (bbox.xmax, bbox.ymax)
    cv.rectangle(im, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0))

# conver it back to RGB
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv.imwrite('beatles_output.jpg', im)

# using the process_image_with_confidences API
# to obtain the bboxes and confidences
im = cv.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, 'beatles.jpg'))
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
roi_result = detectum.process_image_with_confidences(im)

for i in range(0, len(roi_result.bboxes)):
    # each bounding box has associated a confidence
    bbox = roi_result.bboxes[i]
    confidence = roi_result.confidences[i]
    pt1 = (bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin)
    pt2 = (bbox.xmax, bbox.ymax)
    im = cv.rectangle(im, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0))
    im = cv.putText(im, str(confidence)[:6], pt1, cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 255, 0))

# conver it back to RGB
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv.imwrite('beatles_output_with_confidences.jpg', im)

Example - Using skimage to read image

import os
from xailient import roi_bbox
import cv2 as cv

detectum = roi_bbox.ROIBBoxModel()

data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data')
im =, 'beatles.jpg'))
bboxes = detectum.process_image(im)

# Loop through list (if empty this will be skipped) and overlay green bboxes
# Format of bboxes is: xmin, ymin (top left), xmax, ymax (bottom right)
for bbox in bboxes:
    pt1 = (bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin)
    pt2 = (bbox.xmax, bbox.ymax)
    cv.rectangle(im, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0))

# conver it back to RGB
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv.imwrite('beatles_output.jpg', im)

# using the process_image_with_confidences API
# to obtain the bboxes and confidences
im =, 'beatles.jpg'))
roi_result = detectum.process_image_with_confidences(im)

for i in range(0, len(roi_result.bboxes)):
    # each bounding box has associated a confidence
    bbox = roi_result.bboxes[i]
    confidence = roi_result.confidences[i]
    pt1 = (bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin)
    pt2 = (bbox.xmax, bbox.ymax)
    im = cv.rectangle(im, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0))
    im = cv.putText(im, str(confidence)[:6], pt1, cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 255, 0))

# conver it back to RGB
im = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv.imwrite('beatles_output_with_confidences.jpg', im)